I believe the sidebar to be the most underrated/underused aspect of personal blogging
So you better believe I put all of my effort that should be directed toward composing lucid, well-written entries into this sidebar. If you know what's good for you, you'll read all of it. In fact, you could probably skip the blog after you finish all of this.
My links are all to websites I vouch for and encourage the support of. And there's also some wiki entries to explain some pop culture jargon I might throw attcha. I'm pretentious that way.
I know what some of you are thinking:
Why should I care if you (Nate) vouch for a website? Who the hell are you (Nate) anyway? Some kind of...jerk....who assumes I can't think of a good insult(yep)?
However, the truth about my identity and credibility is far more sinister and unsettling than your delicate psyches can process...So, to clear up any confusion, I have a one question FAQ section.
I am a 23 year old white male. I was born in a hospital in DC, but raised in a cream-colored house with dark red window shades in PG County MD. I went to a year of acting school in Philly after graduating high school, but dropped out after freshman year. I spent two and a half agonizing years working for an unnamed Swedish furniture retailer (IKEA) in College Park MD before I decided I'd had enough and reapplied to college.
I am currently studying pop culture(ish things) at the tres hoighty-toighty hippie institute known as Hampshire College up here in sunny Amherst MA.
The reason I started this blog? I am obsessed with pop culture, especially its larger historical implications and contexts. Everything from movies to gossip sites to online comics. I can and will discuss everything that pops into my head. So deal.